Welcome to my blog! As you can tell by the title, I originally started this just so I could post on my boyfriend's blog...but now I think I'm going to start keeping this up. It's fun, after all. Well, my name is Jen, I'm 25 and I'm single (although I do live with my very wonderful boyfriend Eric). I'm a HUMONGOUSLY LARGE Jayhawk Basketball fan; actually, I'm really a generally HUMONGLOUSLY LARGE Jayhawk everything fan! So, wanna guess my alma mater? I'm a Libra (balanced...ha!) and a psych major, so watch out! I'll overanalyze you and everything around you until you want to stab yourself in the eye (ask Eric). I am recently returned from a long foray out into the world: I lived in England and backpacked the Continent (oh yes, when you use that word for that location you MUST capitalize it) for about six months post-graduation. It was, of course, the most awesomest experience ever (yes that was on purpose, I can totally use English good), and I would give my right arm to be able to do it again. Unfortunately, though, as many of you know, the economy is isn't so hot right now, so finding a job hasn't really been possible...and that leads right to not having the savings to go back. So that's me in a nutshell. Admit it, from what you've heard you love me!
I love you.
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