Thursday, February 10, 2005

So I'm a Wanted Criminal Now...

It's true: I am wanted in the state of California. How, you might ask, is this possible when I haven't set foot in California in three years? It's a funny story; you're going to love it. I do. I did NOTHING. Not a thing. Some stupid lawyer in L.A. arbitrarily had a judge put out a warrant for my arrest. And why, you might ask? Well, in order to answer that I have to first say that I work at Sprint, in Corporate Security. Somehow, this dumb lawyer got a hold of my name through, I imagine, some letter or something I had previously sent to his office. Well, when Sprint failed to comply with a subpoena of his in what I'm sure his little, teeny brain considered an appropriate amount of time, he stuck my name for no reason onto a warrant. Let me tell you how mad I am! I have been calling this guy for two days now and his wonderful secretary will not let me through to speak to him. Brilliant.

But on a lighter note: things are melting here in Kansas City and there's almost no snow left on the ground. Eric and I have just begun to make St. Paddy's Day plans, and it got me rememberin' that St. Paddy's is usually a warm day...and that it's in a month. So, with the combination of the thaw outside and the realization that spring weather is a month away, I officially have a case of early Spring Fever. I want to put all of my sweaters, coats, hats and scarves in a storage bin and banish them until November. I keep hoping that I'll step outside after work today and find that weatherunderground is lying and it is not, in fact, 34 degrees, but rather 54. I have noticed more birds lately...and they're the first ones to know! Oh, by the way, stinks to be anyone in New England; I see you're dealing with a hefty snowstorm today. :)


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