Goodbye Iraq!
The best thing in the world is happening right we speak, my little brother is LEAVING IRAQ to come home from his second tour in the 1st Marine Expeditiary! Woo hoo! Mom got a call from his C.O.'s wife last night, saying that they had left their former base in Iraq and were headed for Kuwait. They will spend 48 hours in Kuwait, and then by the 23rd will be safely home in North Carolina.Let me just tell you, a phone call like that REALLY relieves stress. I don't think you realize how much worry, anxiety and tension you carry around all day, every day in the back of your head. It's easy to force yourself not to think about it, or to pretend to yourself that he's not there and not fighting a war, but it's always sitting in the back of your brain weighing on you. I mean, you see signs of it: the uncontrollable fits of tears when you see another soldier has died, the inability to watch war movies or CNN, the occasional nightmares...but you don't really know HOW MUCH it was hurting you until it's over. And then all of the sudden you realize that there has been a fifty pound weight on your shoulders, but it's gone now, and you only know it because you feel so much lighter.
And it's over! So everyone say a prayer thanking God for sending him home safely, and asking him to watch over all the other soldiers in danger.
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