I Love My Country
Reasons I LOVE my country:1. Our foundational principles. Taking aside any hypocritical actions, this country was based upon very, very, very good principles and we should be proud. I will never stand for anyone to make blanket derogatory comments about the U.S. around me.
2. We have every possible beauty found in the world. Mountains, plains, ice caps, tropics, etc.. We have the privilege of being able to rely only on ourselves for every type of resource we need (not that we always d0). We have enormous diversity of ethnicity and race who live side by side in happiness.
3. Our ability to speak out against the things going on in our own country that we dislike.
4. We are nice people. We may be louder and fatter and richer than some other nationalities, but we are around the board nice people. We welcome strangers and we help them. We welcome each other and we help them. It's fantastic.
5. We are good at a lot of things. We do well at the Olympics, we have Hollywood, we have great business sense, and we are for the most part philanthropists. Other countries (as much as they make fun of it) admire our culture and want parts of it. You can't go to any country in Europe and NOT see our restaurants, movies, TV shows and products.
Reasons I dislike my country:
1. For allowing people like those backwards hicks in Kansas to debate not teaching evolution and consider teaching creationism/intelligent design. Let's stop teaching gravity, too, please. And most of physics. This makes me want to scream. I hate them. And let's not even get started on the gay thing.
2. People can't understand that we can't pull out of Iraq yet. We should never have gone in, but now we have an obligation to not leave their country in ruins. And this is coming from someone who's brother has been there twice already and is going back next summer.
3. President Bush. Although lately I've been trying to focus on the decisions he makes that I like, nothing he does that I'm in favor of will ever make up for even 5% of my dislike toward him for this stupid, stupid "war".
4. Gas-guzzling SUV drivers. With the exception of people who drive them because they have lots of kids or stuff to haul around regularly. Do you not understand that this country is overly dependant on foreign fuel sources? Oh, and stop bunnying about the price of gas. First, it's a lot cheaper here than in most other countries (including, like, all of Europe), and second, you could be like me and only spend $30 a month on gas if you bought a smaller vehicle.
5. We are so centered on ourselves. I dislike how few people study about other cultures and/or travel outside our own shores. And no, Mexico does not count. We live in a global world, and we should face up to that. We should go to Europe or Asia or Africa or South America or Australia as often as they come here, because it would make us smarter(sic). I also will include people who DO travel but don't respect the customs of the country they travel to. A friend of mine is going to Ireland with her husband soon. Her idiot husband told me "I'm going to go up to the first native I see and as them to say 'I lost me lucky charms'." Oh, my, God.
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HAHAHAHAHA you're getting spammer comments, now too!
Screwed by Association.
Oh, and everything you said, I agree with. AND you used "bunny" in your post.
+5 cool points.
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