Monday, October 03, 2005


My birthday last year was like hitting a brick wall. For years I had been attending the weddings and baby showers of my closest friends, and buying going away presents for those who left college and found jobs far away from here. I had realized, somewhere in my brain I'm sure, that my circle of friends-to-go-out-with was dwindling away. I guess I just didn't realize that I was the last single, child-free one left until October of 2004.

That's when I celebrated my 25th birthday without a single one of my girl friends in attendance. Two have children and couldn't participate in a night of drinking, one is a workaholic AND obsessed with her new husband, and the rest have moved away. I still had a great time that night, because my boyfriend's friends were all there and they have, of course, become my friends....but there's just nothing like your girl friends.

Being the last one to marry/bear children/stay in the same city had never really bothered me before. I have a rich and fulfilling life, full of a job I love, a great boyfriend, many phonecalls with my girls, and a loving family. It's just that, this one night of the year, it strikes me deep and hard. (Leave it alone, Shan. I'll say it for you: "Like my D!")

So I had decided that this year, after fruitlessly attempting to get my girls to go out last year, I would forgo the party attempt and celebrate with my boyfriend alone. I asked him if he would take me out to Indian food (my favorite) and buy me a cookie cake with lots of icing. I had planned to go to Atchison for a ghost tour, but apparently the tour sells out months in advance. So then I had no plan except dinner.

Then I got to thinking...who is it that calls and wants to hang out every weekend? Who is it that I spend my free time and vacations with? It's Shan's friends. In fact, as often happens, I now consider them to be my friends too. I like being with them, and they make me happy just like my girl friends do (albeit not quite in the same can't beat a lying around in pajamas eating brownies, watching Lifetime and giggling for hours). They even called Shan last week and asked what was going on for my birthday.

Why am I pouting about my friends all being boring, married mothers who live in Alaska when I have these considerate, fun people who I love to be around calling and asking about my birthday?

So now I'm over my pity party and ready to celebrate in style. I will, of course, ask my girls if they can get sitters and come out with me...but I know probably won't happen, and I don't mind. Want to know why? Because I'm gosh-darned happy knowing that these people will celebrate with me.


At 11:47 AM, October 03, 2005, Blogger Shanshu said...

Hear, hear! Glad you have decided to celebrate your birthday, afterall!

I'll expecting details soon, along with a guestlist and head.

At 8:03 AM, October 04, 2005, Blogger Shanshu said...


At 9:17 AM, October 04, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

uh, yeah, what "bad touch" said:) No, really--sorry I didn't know it was your birthday. But I am actually very happy you're alive, so have a good one, and throw an invite my way if you feel like it!

At 1:16 PM, October 17, 2005, Blogger Rowan said...

wish I could get my husband's friends to be my own....don't really have any anymore. ps my 25th birthday was the most depressing day for me too. realized I'm getting old, and yeah, the grownup life takes hold. Nobody better damn well forget my 30th I tell ya or there will be hell to pay!


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