Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Musings on Jayhawk Basketball

Max Falkenstien is retiring. I'll miss him. It was comforting to hear the same guy announcing almost every game. :( At least we still have our old stand-by supporter, Dicky V. And yes, I still read the Journal-World. You can take the girl out of Lawrence, but you can't take the Lawrence out of the girl.

What's up with our thug players and ex-players (and ex-players)? I'm not trying to bash Self, at all, but we never had thug morons when Roy was in charge (oh wait...Lester Earl). I'm glad Self is a good enough man to boot these guys. Having a good team is wonderful, but it's not worth letting these guys get away with committing crimes. Coincidentally, the Chiefs are causing a ruckus at training camp, too.

I'm glad Roy won. I was mad and betrayed when he left, but I understand his reasons. He was a great coach for us, and he deserved another win. I will acknowledge, however, that I was not feeling so genial toward him two years ago.

Self is changing Late Night around a bit, I've heard, but I can't find any info on it. That's frustrating. Not that I've gone in a couple of years, but I am kind of obsessed and I like to know things.

So, this Rush kid finally made a decision and is going to KU. After wavering, a lot. I sympathize. Our team is a gamble right now for incoming freshman. On the one hand, you have have a team with a long, long history of being on top. Then you have the last season to think about...I think he made the right decision, though. Our team rocks.

Where can I find out what rank we'll come in at? Of course it won't be #1 like last year, but that was both a blessing and a curse anyway.


At 11:42 AM, September 06, 2005, Blogger Clint said...

I was sad as well that Max is leaving but he has been doing KU games since the 1800s so I think it is time. I heard about Late Night as well and it is suppose to start at like 7:00 this year instead of midnight.

Keep up the posting and Rock Chalk KU


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