Thanks Guys
Everyone has heard of the urban legend about flashing your lights at cars who don't have their headlights on. You know, that gang members drive around without their lights on as part of gang initiation, and that they'll kill you if you flash at them. This is one of those things that your dumb friends tell you and you laugh at them in your head for being dumb, kind of like alligators in the sewers.Well, this morning all 500 employees in Kansas of my agency received an email from the CEO's secretary. She commonly sends out these mass emails, usually about charity events and free flu shots. This email had been sent to her by the SRO (school resource officer, who is a police officer that is assigned to a school) of a large local high school. This email stated that a gang in Kansas City is doing the headlights thing this weekend as part of their initiation.
Well...okay, everyone knows this is an urban legend, but if a cop is saying that it's true, isn't it possible that some gang members got together and decided to put the old urban legend into action? Seems believeable to me, especially when the info comes from a cop and the CEO's secretary. So I passed along to some friends, with the qualification that I am aware of the urban legend aspect of it, but that the source has led me to think it's better safe than sorry.
So what do I get? Ridicule and rudeness! I have a couple of friends actually email an urban legend site entry about it as if I didn't make it clear that I already know! I get responses like "you're gullible" and "hey idiot this is an urban legend"...
No fucking shit people! I said at the start of my email that I knew it was an urban legend, but that if a cop tells me it's true I'm going to go ahead and think it might be true. What exactly is the problem here, and why did these friends feel it necessary to treat me like a mentally-retarded five year old? Do they respect my intelligence that little that they thought they needed to "help me" out with this? Um, gee...thanks. I guess I know where I stand.
In case you're wondering, the secretary did send around an email with a link to the urban legend site...and I am currently wondering why this cop was stupid enough to send this out to her. I guess that's not really my problem, though.
On a different note, I hurt my ankle last night but it's only a sprain. I thought as much, but when I called my doctor's office's nurse, she said it might be a stress fracture. I went in on her advice and was relieved to learn that it is a minor sprain. Now my weekend plans aren't ruined, yay!
Two questions:
1-Do you KNOW this officer personally? Do you even know if he is a real cop? If so, do you know if he is just forwarding something he got from a friend? Did the email come from a reliable source before he sent it to the secretary?
2-Do you honestly think something this important (if it were true) would be sent out in a chain letter? Wouldn't they like...TELL people about it?
I hate you in the face.
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