Why aren’t all the doctors called doctor? Why is it only medical doctor, shrinks, researchers and teachers? What about the pharmacists and lawyers? I mean, if you go through all the trouble to get a doctorate, shouldn’t you get the honor of being called doctor? If John Smith is a lawyer, then he’s called Mr. Smith. But Mr. Smith has a doctorate in Jurisprudence, so shouldn’t he be Dr. Smith? If John Smith is a pharmacist, then most people don’t even know that he’s got a doctorate in Pharmacy. Most people probably think pharmacy is some sort of technical program (there are pharmacy techs, which are a lot different). Shouldn’t we be calling our pharmacists Dr. Smith?By the way, I just found out that Dr. Laura isn’t a shrink, like I thought she was. She’s a physiologist. She is licensed to do counseling, but not at a doctorate level because she doesn’t have her doctorate in psychology or psychiatry. Surprising...
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