Sunday, March 12, 2006

Our First Tornado

We had our first tornadoes of the year in KC today. I love severe weather.

It came earlier than normal it seems, although I have to say I don't exactly keep track. Could be that we get tornadoes this early every year and I just don't pay attention.

There was nothing too near my home, although when the tornadoes hit nearby the sirens went off. I knew there was a storm and that it was bad, because the sky was yellow and green as usually accompanies bad spring storms. I didn't pay attention to the sirens much, though, because tornadoes never hit too close to the city.

This time, they hit right smack in the middle of Lawrence (thankfully not damaging Badtouch's home too much) and took the roof off of a hotel a bit west and north of us. I did, unfortunately, sustain some hail damage to my car. Crapola.

I love severe weather, though. I love when the streetlights come on at 2pm, and the sky gets all green and starts rotating around. I remember one time there was a crazy rotation on top of my and Shan's apartment building and we were sure a funnel was about to drop right on top of us. One time I sat on my friend's roof and watched a tornado drop right onto Clinton Lake, which was about 5 miles from us. I love when the thunder shakes the walls and the winds start blowing like nuts. It freaks a lot of people out, but it's like crack for me. Did I spell crack right?


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