Friday, April 14, 2006

Can't Suppress It

Don’t forget to read the post below this, which is new, too.

I just have to rant on this. I can’t stand it. I try not to rant too much on my blog any more, because I became aware at some point that that was mainly what I was using my blog for. This, however…this I cannot stay shut up about.

Illegal immigrants.

Oh my God.

Are they serious?

One time at a local amusement park, as a pre-teen, I shoplifted a key chain. The undercover security guard caught me and hauled my bottom to the security trailer. They called my parents and kicked me out of the park. My parents were very angry. They yelled at me and they grounded me. If my parents were illegal Mexican immigrants, however, I’m sure this scenario would have been very different. They probably would have yelled at the security guards for making me accountable for my illegal actions. They probably would have argued that breaking the law is no reason to get someone in trouble.

That’s all I’m going to say. I could really go on, it’s so annoying. I could rant about the “Day Without Mexicans” protest that caused me to not be able to go to my favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch, and how I have a hard time patronizing that restaurant now because they didn’t fire the workers who refused to come in. I could go on about the fact that my mother is an immigrant who did things the right way, even though it was an expensive pain in the bum for her. I could go on about how I think that illegal immigrants no matter what nationality (even my mother’s acquaintances who just never got back on the plane to Ireland) should have no rights in this country. I could go on about how these people should be taking a good look at their own culture, and figure out why they have the guts to protest the American government but don’t have the guts to change the Mexican government in order to make it a place that they would be able to live with basic needs. I could go on about how our government is bending over to a third world nation. I could go on about how the erosion of the middle class and the widening gap between the rich and the poor can be related to illegal immigrants taking jobs at much less pay than Americans would demand. I could go on about how much social services money is paid toward people who make no tax contribution. I could go on about how many children are being supported by the foster care system but are not legal citizens. I could go on about how mad it makes me that our government is even considering amnesty for such criminals when I still have to pay that $30 parking ticket because I didn’t feed the meter downtown until five minutes after it expired, and how I could actually get arrested for that.

Fortunately for everyone, I won’t go on.


At 11:37 AM, April 21, 2006, Blogger Chappy00 said...

Great post... too bad more people don't see it that way.

At 6:30 PM, April 22, 2006, Blogger eric said...

Let me draw a quick sketch, to try illustrate what is wrong with your picture.
NAFTA in enacted, causing a rash of bankruptcies in Mexico, separating many indigenous people from their land. These people become migrants, who move into overcrowded Mexican cities where they might find work, or the maquiladoras along the border.
The maquiladoras are run by Japanese, Spanish and American companies. The migrants are not paid enough to cover basic necessities. In fact Mexico has seen a drop in wages over the past thirty years. kinda like.. the U.S.
So, you're a Mexican with few options, but you hear about plenty of jobs North of the border. Hmm... I don't see many native whites who are willing to pick oranges for ten hours a day for little money... do you?
Keep in mind who the Real benefactors of the situation are... the American government does not want to pressure the Mexican government into enforcing their own labour laws (something that Mexicans have been fighting for a long time, it's just that you never hear about it!) because that would mean American companies would start losing profits. You complain about the 'nerve' of migrants, and yet you-- all of us-- are benefitting from their cheap labour.

At 12:08 PM, April 27, 2006, Blogger Shanshu said...

I find it endlessly fascinating how people can turn any debate...ANY debate, into something that fits their own agenda and opinion-based propaganda. In this case, it's yet another outsider forcing their anti-American crap onto others.

Look here, since you do not live in America or Mexico...I think it's safe to say that you really shouldn't be bashing somebody else’s OPINION about illegal immigrants, or the problems that our country is currently facing in regards to it.

You're entitled to your own opinion, of course...but maybe you should use your own blog for that, instead of infecting others with your will to confuse the issue and simplify complex problems, so that they fit into your "America Sucks" maxim.

Anybody who breaks the law in any country is at the mercy of their society and the laws that govern them. Even Canada. It is illegal to work in the United States, without permission. There is no room for debate. And YET people are finding a way to complain.

When I lived in Europe, there was a time when money was very low. In fact, there were many meals that I missed because I could not afford to feed myself. Did I turn to crime? Did I work illegally? Did I steal money to feed myself? NO. I knew what was right and wrong, and I knew if I couldn’t find work in Europe, I had better go someplace I could find work…so I came back to the US and started working so I could eat dinner. The LAST thing I would ever do, would be to riot and burn the flag of the country I was in and demand that they give me money for working illegally and breaking their laws. You know why I didn’t do that? Because it’s fucking insane, that’s why. That’s like breaking into somebody’s house and demanding that they give you a soda for your troubles, since breaking in made you thirsty.

So. Lame. It. Limps.

While I acknowledge that times are hard for many people, and sometimes in human history people have broken the law to help maintain their does not change the fact that they are breaking the law, and thus disobeying the rules set by the people.

NOW...add to that fact, that they are abusing the rights that they stole...and insulting the country they live illegally in...and stealing money from legal American taxpayers...and it's not absurd to assume that most people will find offense to that. These same illegal immigrants who claim they traveled to the United States to better their lives are burning MY AMERICAN FLAG on the steps of a STATE FUNDED SCHOOL while protesting OUR WILL TO ENFORCE THE LAW.

That is unacceptable.

Oh, and I LOVE the fact that people bitch bitch BITCH about the United States sticking its nose into the business of other countries...and yet those same people tell us we SHOULD HELP other countries who need our help and we should feel sorry for people in countries like Mexico who live in "overcrowded Mexican cities" and are "indigenous people [separated] from their land".

You people blow me away. Do you want us to help, or not? Make up your damn minds and then stick to it…quit riding the fence and bashing America whenever it fits your particular debate.

"Hey, USA! Stop helping countries! Stick to your own affairs! Stop going to war! But make sure you help everybody else who needs it, even though WE aren't doing a damn thing to help them. We just like to bitch because it makes us feel superior, while we aren't actually doing anything to better the world economy or humanity, as a whole."



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