Thursday, May 25, 2006


I just watched my last episode of "Lost" ever.

Last night was the season finale. All season long, as they added more and more questions and ignored more and more of Season 1's unanswered mysteries, I thought to myself, "Well, they're not stupid. They will tie up the loose ends at the season finale, because they know if they don't it'll anger viewers." Boy, was I wrong.

Not only did they refuse to address A SINGLE unanswered question, they added more mystery. As I watched the episode, which was mainly about a new character rather than about the characters we've known for two seasons, I found myself growing more and more frustrated. I cared less and less what happened to the characters as I realized that the jerk writers/producers/whoever of this show were going to leave everything messy. In the last scene, when what's-his-name-bunker-guy's ex-girlfriend answered the phone and we learned something-I-didn't-care-enough-to-figure-out, my patience for this crappy series disappeared.

It's really too bad. This show was GREAT first season. It had all these unique and interesting facets that set it aside from the cookie-cutter dramas and sitcoms so often found on TV. They began to blow it at the first season finale. Yes, they had the great cliffhanger that makes season finales so fun and sets up the anticipation of the next season. The problem was, they answered NO QUESTIONS. I therefore watched the second season expecting to have the first season's questions answered and new plot introduced. Instead, I found that the first season was ignored and SO MUCH new plot was introduced that by the end of the season the show was just a shadow of it's original, creative self. Then, they had this B.S. season finale that addressed ONLY this new character I don't care about. How can I care about him? There are too many other characters' untended mysteries filling my head.

So, I am finished with this show. I might, MIGHT read a recap of the third season next May. That would only be to see if they had continued this idiocy or if they decided to make the show good again. I doubt they'll do it, though, and I'm afraid they've blown what should have been fantastic TV.