Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Feeling Human Again

Ugh...two days home in bed really throws off one's week. After spending the last two days sleeping on my couch due to a nasty little cold, I wanted nothing more than to join the real world again today. There are people who could happily spend all of their lives inside the four walls of their home, but I am not one of them. I missed work and I am glad to be back!

I've slept so much in the last couple of days that I woke up at 5:15 this morning, which is more than two hours before I normally stumble out of bed. It was kind of nice...I watched the news, folded some laundry, and still made it into the office 1 1/2 hours before schedule.

When I got into the office I had three messages from some collection agency looking for a broad named Beatrice. I don't know a Beatrice, and I've asked the collection agency to stop calling me. I called them again when I got in, and do you know what the rep (Mr. Chapman...the jerk wouldn't even tell me his first name) said to me? "I'm sorry ma'am, but for some reason our system isn't allow me to delete this number." So I guess now I'm just going to have to deal with getting Beatrice's collection calls. At least it's me work phone, and not my cell. THAT would really piss me off. I think I'm going to have fun with them when they call, though. I think it's time to play a little repeater. Do you wanna play repeater? Do you wanna play repeater?

The Vatican came out with a statement on gay priests last week. I was surprised at how relatively progressive the statement actually was. Essentially, the Pope has said that gay men can be priests, as long as they are not currently practicing and haven't for three years. Well, since priests can't have sex anyway, that doesn't seem like too bum of a deal. It seems to me that the Vatican realizes that it's not the time to be isolating any potential priests, but also realizes that because of it's traditions, they can't just say gay priests are OK. To me, it's a foot in the door for gay rights in Catholocism. Things aren't going to change all at once.

I got to thinking that in this way, the Catholic Church is turning out to be way more progressive than most large Protestant churches, especially in the U.S.. It makes me kind of happy to realize that the Church I consider myself a member of isn't joining forces with radical Christianity in condemning homosexuals. I happen to be one of those people who gets really, really mad about the lack of civil rights for gay couples. Any step in the right direction is what I consider to be part of the slow win (I hope, at least).

Anyway, since it's my first day of work, Happy Monday to everyone! I hope your week goes well.


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