Things That Make My Head Pop Open And Ooze Fried Brain Matter get...anger...under...control...Dumb Ridiculous Government Mismanagement Crap
Can someone explain to me what the purpose of this bullshit is? Why, oh WHY is our government concerning themselves with this issue.
Is it going to save the environment/a labor group/starving children if we get rid of analog TV?
Is the $3 billion they’re going to spend on this some sort of special money that will kill the schoolchildren if it’s spent on schools instead? HELLO, we have a very serious problem with our education system! It’s inadequate and underfunded! HELLO, are there any senators out there with PRIORITIES?
I think that if I was poor, I’d rather have money to pay my astronomically crazy gas bill than get a new digital cable box.
I’m glad that our government in taking the time to deal with this, because if not they’d have to spend time figuring out how to fix our struggling economy/decrepit public education system/health care crisis.
unfortunately, Canada is just about as brilliant.
But without TV, how will the Corporations market their products to the overstimulated, undereducated, overfed, undernourished, overdosed, underestimated children out their who only serve to be Consumers of The Corporation?
Get your priorities, straight, jeesh. . .
It's because of stuff like this, that I don't vote. Damn the man.
ebeth...couldn't have said it better myself...
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