Thursday, December 08, 2005

Snow Day!

I can't believe it, but I'm having a snow day. My office shut down at 2 yesterday, and is closed today. I feel like a little kid! We got a very decent amount of snow for KC (10-12 inches), and I really want to go out in it. Like, sledding or something. Sledding with hot chocolate. That would be great! I'm glad I work for a nonprofit, because most businesses don't care as much for their employees' safety as they do about a day's profit loss.

Last night we figured out pretty early that work wasn't happening today. The news kept talking about how much more snow we were going to get before morning, and the roads were getting worse and worse. It was too cold for the ice trucks, and my car was beginning to get buried. A couple of our friends figured this out too, and suggested that they come over for drinks. That was fine, since all 4 of us were positive we wouldn't be working the next day. Now, I was not willing to go out in a snow storm to drive to a friend's house to drink, but our friends were and they came over. It was nice, kind of like an extra weekend night. We played games and had drinks and talked about the weather.

In fact, this week is shaping up quite nicely altogether. I played hooky on Monday, worked Tuesday and half of Wednesday, didn't work on Thursday, and have an easy day on Friday.


At 4:46 PM, December 09, 2005, Blogger PJ said...

Sledding with Hot Chocolate? I don't think that would work.

I'd try a sled.


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