Thursday, November 03, 2005

Candy and Hamburger Helper and Dog

Candy and Hamburger Helper make for a great dinner.

I'm a pretty good advocate of healthful foods. I like to cook low-fat, fresh foods. I have sucessfully reduced our red meat to once a week or so, replacing burgers and tacos with chicken and pork. I cook with whole wheat pasta and light sauces and fresh veggies. Sometimes I sneak in turkey meat or TVP instead in our traditionally red meat recipes. Our snacks consist of pretzels and baked chips and carrots and cucumbers. Our desserts (rare as they are) are low-fat puddings and fruit. Our salad dressings are light.

Last night, however, I didn't care. I wanted fatty, nasty, horrible, artery-clogging foods. I bought a pound of ground chuck and chili cheese Hamburger helper. I cooked it with lots of the grease still in it. We ate it all, then we had candy for dessert. LOTS of candy. And I liked it!

P.S. I love Dog Chapman. Dog rocks!


At 10:26 AM, November 03, 2005, Blogger Shanshu said...

It was indeed a good meal...Hamburger Helper rocks big time.

At 10:16 PM, November 03, 2005, Blogger PJ said...

HH is the shit. No doubt about it. If whoever invented it isn't getting bunnied every day of his/her life, they should be.

Oh, and fat food is worth the trouble and consequences sometimes. Well...most of the time.

Mmmm...Pizza Rolls and E.L.Fudge...

At 6:52 AM, November 04, 2005, Blogger Rowan said...

Wish we ate more healthful still, we used to, but my husband got on this hh kick and lipton sidekicks for a while now, and I can't seem to get him off it.

At 7:18 AM, November 04, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

ahh, lipton sidekicks. Ian is a food snob, and does a lot of our cooking. However, he got the new SW video game last night so while he was playing I made frozen vegetable medley with the brocolli alfredo lipton sidekick--he thought I was a genius until I showed him the package:)

At 11:26 AM, November 07, 2005, Blogger Shanshu said...

You need to post something new.

Right now.

I'm bored.

Post something cool. About boobs.


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