Thursday, November 17, 2005

Homemade Eggnog is NOT Very Good

So I made homemade eggnog Monday night. You know, whipped up the egg whites and folded in the cream and everything else. It was not good. The nog was frothy and the texture was perfect, but ALL I could taste was the alcohol. I guess I'm so used to the eggnog that comes in the cartons at the store, with the wicked strong artificial flavor...but I tasted nothing but liquor. It was gross, and I couldn't get myself through one cup full. I have two theories on this: 1. homemade eggnog is not as yummy as artificial storebought eggnog and/or 2. the recipe I used called for twice as much liquor as should have gone into it. I am, however, unwilling to waste the effort and ingredients on a second round using less liquor. Well, maybe I'll try again, but doubtful. Darn myself and my crazy obsessions, I guess I have to or else I'll never know and that'll drive me bonkers.

On a different note, I am sick and tired of people not taking responsibility for their mistakes. I hate people that blame everyone under the sun for something they've done wrong. I admit that, like everyone, I sometimes don't think I'm wrong when I am. That's natural, but it's usually over things that could be easily mistaken, like being rude when I think I'm just being assertive. A lot of my parents at work are the same way...everyone has a reason about why the state was wrong to take their kids, and they were done an injustice. Just like everyone in prison was in the wrong place at the wrong time, or the kid at traffic court last night who was arrested for failing to appear and said his ride didn't show up. Blah, blah, blah. I want to scream at them: Oh yeah? Well how is it that this stuff doesn't happen to smart people? Because you're stupid, and that's why this happens to you! You make stupid decisions and then try and reason your way out of the consequences!

The news article that triggered my tirade goes like this: A woman drove to her boyfriend's house, went inside for a while, then looked outside to see her Jeep being driven away by some stranger. She chased it for a while, then called the police. It turns out that her car had been repossesed. It also turns out that she had a sleeping toddler in the car, who was hidden under a blanket in the backseat. Now she's mad at the repo company, stating that they should have known her kid was back there and they're so awful and blah, blah, blah.

I have a few things to say to this woman, and since I'll never have the chance to I'll do it here. First, this is why it is illegal to leave you children in your car unattended. Your car could roll, or it could be stolen, or your kids could lock you out on a 95 degree day then pass out rendering you unable to save them, or someone could open the door and kidnap them, or whatever else could happen. It was a stupid move, and she needs to be brought up on charges for it because it is child endangerment. Second, the repo man stated that he looked in the car and saw only a blanket in the back seat. That is not his fault, and while it is not the mother's fault either, she needs to stop putting the blame on him, like he drove off with her kid on purpose. Third, she is the one who didn't pay her bills and caused her car to be repossesed. Repo companies don't take cars because they like to. It is dangerous work, and they do it because the car's owner is a loser who doesn't pay his/her bills. It is no one's fault but hers that the car was in the position of being taken away. I have a feeling, however, that no one will say this to her and she will continue to live her life thinking that she was wronged. Stupid idiot.


At 12:00 PM, November 17, 2005, Blogger PJ said...

I'm planning a whole post on Stupid People. I hate them.

I wouldn't be good at your job...I would've told them EXACTLY what I was thinking.

At 1:14 PM, November 17, 2005, Blogger Jen said...

I normally do, but I don't use the language I want to. It's "The decisions you make cause these consequences," instead of, "You're a fucking dumb fuck and get away from me before I get as stupid as you."

At 6:03 AM, November 18, 2005, Blogger Shanshu said...


At 9:39 AM, November 18, 2005, Blogger Shanshu said...

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At 10:02 AM, November 18, 2005, Blogger Jen said...

Rowan, while I appreciate your opinion, the purpose of this blog is for me to talk about whatever I want. I choose to sometimes rant about my job because it is a difficult job, and I see very difficult and horrible things on a weekly basis. I don't really appreciate the criticism, because this is a place that I want to feel comfortable saying whatever I want. If you choose not to agree with me, that is your prerogative, but I would appreciate you keeping that to yourself. My blog is not intended to initiate a discussion on the world, and it is certainly not meant to be taken seriously.

At 12:12 PM, November 22, 2005, Blogger Rowan said...

gee, sorry Jen...I didn't mean to offend and I didn't realize you weren't interested in discussing things....I was hoping you might be able to offer me some understanding on it...I can understand you not wanting to talk about it...and I guess I don't understand since it is such a raw subject with me. I'm sure you HAVE seen lots of horrible things happen...sorry to be so political on ya. I enjoy your light hearted posts.


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