Damn the Man
Okay, this post is going to be nothing more than a rant...pay attention all you poor, unemployed, college graduates - because I think you'll feel this.TEMPING SUCKS. Why is it that people look at temps like little idiots who must be mistrusted and watched all the time? Why is it that temps must clock in and out at breaks and lunch, or that managers feel the need to sneak up behind them and double check that they're working? Hmmm? Do these "permanent employees" not realize that most temps are more highly educated, experienced, and qualified than themselves, but that we are just living in a time of a TERRIBLE JOB MARKET? This is not 1999, when the economy was great and only the bottom feeders of the corporate world resorted to being temps...this is 2005, and after 5 years of governmental mismanagement, temps are now young college graduates with master's degrees or former highly-skilled, downsized managers who can't get hired on at even a bottom-rung level. Give us a break, you silly, little, insignificant, middle-management supervisor! We are smarter than you, and we have more potential than you, and you have no right to treat us like high school dropouts! Then again, I suppose that in 20 years when we are your superior and you are taking orders from us, you will be glad that you had your shot at us. So revel in it, National American University Technical Certificate Graduate; revel in it while you still can! And in the meantime, as you sit there smuggly making sure I came back from lunch after 60 minutes, not 61 minutes, I will try my damnedest to do as little work as possible without landing on your radar, and I will abuse those Friday afternoons after you leave at 3pm, and I will resort to drinking ever night after work to wash away the insane terribleness of my workplace, and I will feel good about it like I never would if I, too, was a "permanent employee" or if I was just treated with some freaking respect.